Lucha Megadrive Post Mortem

Last semester we were the underdogs challenging the taboo of making a fighting game and we came out victorious and arguably a fan favorite among our cohort. If last semester was Rocky 1 or Karate Kid 1 were no one expected us to win, but we worked hard and we succeeded anyways– this semester was the sequel. The expectations for our success rose tremendously, we got maybe a little over confident over winter break. When we hit our first major road block of figuring out our new art direction the team’s morale dropped off the earth, communication went out the window, and there were days to me at least were it felt like we were living the sequel that didn’t need to happen. But eventually we came around, we rose up from the ashes of the first half of the semester, and we started to live the sequel that everyone always wants– the sequel that is better than the original. 

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Sprint 22: Merging Scenes

For the past two months we have had a lot of progress in each of the areas of our development: art, design, programming, and sound; however, up until today we haven’t put our test scenes together to see how it all works in unison. This week we finally merged our test scenes! The game has gone through a huge amount of changes! We’ve increased our overall visual polish and put in our in progress models of our TWO characters! It was an exciting week for us.

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Sprint 20: Team Dynamic and Communication Changes

This week I’d like to take some time to talk about our team’s dynamic and communication these past few sprints. Some mistakes were definitely made on my end as a producer that ended up affecting the teams productivity pretty negatively. It has always been my belief that if you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone about your life then you probably don’t want to work with them either. I realize now that I wasn’t doing a part of my job which is to make people feel safe, comfortable to speak up, and trusted in our work environment. I was too concerned with preparing deliverables and meeting deadlines that I forgot to take care of my team. 

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Sprint 18: Into Production!

This week was big for Lucha Megadrive's development! We made progress our re-imagining of our main character Jonny Fuego! Our other main character Nuclear Winter now has a test model in game so that we can start testing out their moves!  We have our first artist pass for our new UI! And we now have a fully 3D environment blocked out and in game which has allow us to do cool tricks with our camera!

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Sprint 15: Spring Semester Plan & Post Mortem

With the semester coming to a close here at Champlain College there is very little time left to make progress on Lucha Megadrive. It has been a long and intense semester for the team. Taking a few weeks off for the winter holidays will help us recharge, spend time with our families– and probably still work on Lucha Megadrive here and there because we all love working on it so much! Most of us already have some research work planned out for during the holidays– nothing super intense, but could save a lot of time at the start of the semester.

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