Sprint 17: Working Towards Greenlight

Week 2 of the new semester has been a busy one! Our team tackled a combination of documentation and implementation of some our of new assets. Check out our report slides here:

Right now we are working towards a green light from our executive producers / professors. Meaning, we have to hit certain agreed upon milestones or else our game will be cut from production. If you checked out our slides above you would have seen that our green light list is as follows:

In-Air Interactions (Docs and in-game)

Fuego Art Reconceptualization + Market Research (Docs)

3D Environment 1st Pass (Docs and some in-game)

Pinning Revisuallized (Docs and some in-game)

Basic Training Room (Docs and some in-game)

New UI Planned (Docs and some in-game)

Expand Hype Mechanic (Docs)

Tutorial plan (Docs)

Art scope consideration and validation 

Plans for Release

We all feel we are on track to hit these criteria, but something to note is our release plans. We have recognized that we do not have the team we need to make a fully featured fighting game. We’ve known this from the beginning and have been planning our development with the goal to make a really good prototype of a fighting game that could be picked up by a publisher or at least be a nice portfolio piece. 

That’s it for this week. Hopefully next week we will have some gameplay footage to show off!