Sprint 18: Into Production!
This week was big for Lucha Megadrive's development! We made progress our re-imagining of our main character Jonny Fuego! Our other main character Nuclear Winter now has a test model in game so that we can start testing out their moves! We have our first artist pass for our new UI! And we now have a fully 3D environment blocked out and in game which has allow us to do cool tricks with our camera!
Not only did we get all those features in this week, but we also did some high level planning for these next couple of months. We are looking to hit our minimum viable product with in these next five weeks right before spring break / GDC. After GDC, we will have our arcade cabinet up and running for Champlain College and we will be preparing the game for the Champlain College Senior Show in May.
Lastly, it important to mention how we updated our vision of the world of Lucha Megadrive. As a team, we noticed the vision changing and rewrote our vision statement. We will continue to call upon this vision and update it if necessary over the next couple of months. For now though, this is how we see the game/world of Lucha Megadrive:
Since the beginning of time the Gods have fed off of a pure human energy source known as hype.
The ancient Aztecs discovered that the ultimate way to generate hype was through the act of Lucha Libre.
In exchange for pleasing the Gods, the Gods grant Luchadores their powers and abilities.
Luchadores will have to conquer and please the crowd if they want to come out on top.
The bell will only ring when one Luchadores is left standing
That world is Lucha Megadrive!