Sprint 24: GDC and Alpha
I was away at GDC this last sprint. Over the next couple of weeks I plan to share some of my big takeaways and incorporate my learnings into my work on Lucha Megadrive. Here are some pics!

Also happened this past week, Team Nitro Fist / the Lucha Megadrive team presented our Alpha milestone progress! The slides they putt together can be found here:

I think the team did a great job managing and organizing themselves all on their own. I’m happy they were able to stay productive without me!
As soon as I got back from San Francisco, I jumped in to the tail end of this sprint with a ton of inspiration from GDC 2018. With only a day or two remaining, I wanted to start acting on my new ideas that had been bubbling up all last week; I created a retrospective form and a spring planning check list ft. a new slide deck! Additionally, I whipped up a new agenda for our team that I put together based off my learnings:

The big thing I want to highlight is that I want everyone’s tasks to be put into redmine on the very first day of the sprint and they need to follow this here checklist:
My goal with this checklist is to make sure everyone is on the same page and talking to each other from the beginning of the sprint. In past weeks, we have had tasks fall through the cracks or team members consistently under and over working– hopefully this new process will help to minimize that.
I’m looking forward to continue bringing in what knowledge I gained from GDC to help me be a better Producer for Lucha Megadrive. Stay tuned as I bring in new ideas each week.