Sprint 8: The New Stage

This week we made the transition from a 2D fighting stage to a 3D one. It wasn’t quite the smooth drag and drop experience we were hoping for. A big issue involving our camera came up were we needed it to function like Streetfighter when 2 players are close up and when they are far away from each other the camera needed to function like Super Smash Brothers. We consulted with our peers and faculty eventually finding a solution that allows the mechanics to function the way they are supposed to and also properly represents the art. Below is some updated gameplay footage:

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Sprint 4: In To Deep Dive!

We successfully passed our second challenge attempt and have been approved to enter deep dive. The team is happy, excited, and relieved. We didn’t get here without some challenges— we started to encounter the unfortunate stigma around creating fighting games here at Champlain College. Sadly fighting games have not seen very much success here and have formed a reputation around them. There is a lot a team has to get right in order to have a good fighting game: satisfying input feedback, smooth controls, clear visuals, balanced mechanics, a huge amount of moves to facilitate lots of strategies— overall a ton of work and polished for everyone involved and not the typical level of game seen at Champlain College.

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Sprint 3: Challenge Attempt 1

This week we attempted our first challenge stage. In order to progress in our Champlain College Capstone we need to present our rationale to our professors on why we should move forward into the next stage of prototyping and development. Our attempt to challenge the first stage of concept generation didn’t completely pass, but it didn’t fail either. We no longer have to prototype 3 games at once. Instead, we are being asked to challenge again next week and present an even deeper case for the one game idea we really want to develop. Below are some of the slides we presented to the faculty. Also, we finally have a team name: Team Nitro Fist.

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Morale Activities

Week 2 has begun and our team dynamic seems to be normalizing once again. Last week there were misunderstandings and miscommunications, but this week we seem to all be jiving and we were even complimented on our team dynamic in class by a faculty member. I don’t think last week will be our only interpersonal road bumps this semester, so I am working hard to constantly huddle everyone together and make sure we are on the same page. In our meeting for today I plan to start up weekly morale activities to help make sure everyone is comfortable talking to each other and to checkin on everyones lives.

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Capstone Day One Down

The team I am working with this semester had our first class this morning and our first meeting this evening. I have worked with all these young developers before, but that doesn’t mean it will make the team dynamic any less new or challenging. It has been a few months since we all worked together and we have all had very different experiences and thoughts during that time. We have already had mild misunderstandings and it seemed like not everyone was comfortable speaking up today. We are going to need to spend sometime to reconnect, open up, and to go over our visions and goals for this semester.

The day has been long, and even with these initial road bumps it has been very fulfilling.  I’m excited to be working with these developers and to learn again who we are as a team. I am looking forward to discovering together our college capstone game.