Sprint 3: Challenge Attempt 1

This week we attempted our first challenge stage. In order to progress in our Champlain College Capstone we need to present our rationale to our professors on why we should move forward into the next stage of prototyping and development. Our attempt to challenge the first stage of concept generation didn’t completely pass, but it didn’t fail either. We no longer have to prototype 3 games at once. Instead, we are being asked to challenge again next week and present an even deeper case for the one game idea we really want to develop. Below are some of the slides we presented to the faculty. Also, we finally have a team name: Team Nitro Fist.

As you click through the slides, you'll see we put in as much thought and effort we could in a one week time frame split between 3 games and all our other school work. After we received the faculty's decision our team met up to discuss the feedback and do our sprint planning for this upcoming week. We decided that we are happy with the decision because it will ultimately allow us to hone in on our passion for our luchador fighting game. While we didn't fully pass the challenge, we did get what we wanted- the go ahead to focus on one idea. From what I can tell, this has already been a huge motivation / morale boost for the team. It is going to be a lot of work this week to refine how we communicate our ideas, but I am confident it will be good for us in the long run because we will be starting out with a well thought out and tested foundation.