Sprint 8: The New Stage

This week we made the transition from a 2D fighting stage to a 3D one. It wasn’t quite the smooth drag and drop experience we were hoping for. A big issue involving our camera came up were we needed it to function like Streetfighter when 2 players are close up and when they are far away from each other the camera needed to function like Super Smash Brothers. We consulted with our peers and faculty eventually finding a solution that allows the mechanics to function the way they are supposed to and also properly represents the art. Below is some updated gameplay footage: https://youtu.be/1Qtdek7ZLow

You probably noticed the crowd is finally represented in the background. Programmatically, the audience/crowd aren’t connected to anything yet, but we plan to link visual feedback from the crowd to player’s hyper meters (the meters around the health bar). The idea behind this is that certain maneuvers the players perform will hype up the crowd. When the player’s hype bar fills all the way up, they will enter max mode, gain additional visual effects (the phoenix wings), and new abilities (for now just increased damage). We got a lot of great feedback in our most recent class session that we have already added to our next sprint. Also, the UI for all of this is temporary and we plan to iterate on this in the next coming weeks.

Speaking of what is next… below are our current sprint goals and rough estimations:

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Above, is our rough plan for the next coming weeks. We have big plans for the studio wide presentation day. Of course, we have to put together some thoughtful slides, but we also plan to put together a video trailer to explain the lore and show gameplay. Additionally, we are also planning a super short skit to help explain wrestling and lucha libre to those who are unfamiliar with it.

But we can’t put all of our focus on the big presentation just yet. We still have to get out of this next stage in our class. The requirements of which are below:

Once we get out of the Proof of Concept stage we will officially be in vertical slice. The whole team is looking forward to the next stage because that is when the game truly comes alive and where we get to do a lot of our polish work. We are challenging this next Monday, so here is to everything going well!